Prayer Force

Monday, July 25, 2005

Childrens Hospital

Hello. My name is Angie Evett and I have regularly attended FBC for several months. My 14-year-old daughter, Liz, has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Please add her to the prayer list. We are at the Children's Hospital in Seattle, and will remain in Seattle for the next several weeks, possibly two months, while she undergoes her first session of intensive chemotherapy treatments. So far her body is responding well to treatment, but she has been quite ill. We anticipate moving to the Ronald McDonald house tomorrow or Sunday.

If anyone at the church would like to, they may send her an e-greeting while we are still at the hospital. The web address is; follow the link for Patients and Families.

Thanks so much,


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

July 19th, 2004

Additional Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for consistancy in my personal quiet time.
2. I am on the steering committie for the Youth Network in our area. Pray for our desire to unify youth ministries accross the region.
3. Pray that students would begin to experience God's movement this summer. Pray that God would be working in their lives and prepare them for the fall.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

Week of July 17th, 2005

MATT at the Riot
God has chosen us, not the other way around. But that doesn't mean we don't choose Him. We have to choose Him all through out our day. We have many decisions that can reflect our closeness to Him. Romans 9 says these words,

"30Well then, what shall we say about these things? Just this: The Gentiles have been made right with God by faith, even though they were not seeking him. 31But the Jews, who tried so hard to get right with God by keeping the law, never succeeded.

We need to always remember that each decision we make is an example of our faith--our choice lived out. Not because we are keeping the law but because we understand just a tiny part of the gift God has given us.

1. Pray for the students that have walked away from God...They have picked up other idols: drugs, sex, bad role models and have put God up on their shelf.

2. Pray for the incoming 6th graders. Pray that we can have an effective ministry to them as the become part of the group.

3. Pray for new leaders to replace our college bound helpers. More female help is needed.

4. Pray as we make our final preperation for summer camp. We have 28 students signed up and ready to go. The dates are August 1-6.

5. Pray for patience as we begin the building project. We loose 225 sq. ft. of our classroom this next week. Should not be to big of a deal.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

July 14th, 2005

Here is the new format for our prayer team. I will post things up here on a regular basis and you can comment and encourage me with your thoughts.

Summer has hit and we have seen a drop off in attendance. This is normal here at FBC in the summer time. But it still is a little hard on our morale as leaders to go from 60 students to 20 students in the period of three weeks.

Pray for our interns Allie Moore and Lucas Thompson. They are two amazing individuals and both have giant hearts for ministry. Allie taught tonight and did a great job.

Pray for Chris Newbury who will be coming on board as paid staff this fall. He was our intern this past school year. He returns from a missions trip to Turkey on Sunday Night.

We have lost a group of students who have been making some bad decisions. They have been posting some bad things on the internet and revealed who they really are. I confronted them this past week and they have not responded very well to our request to clean up their act. I wish they would respond differently but I have to reflect on the parable of the different soil types and realize that God is in control. Pray that He would bring them back to Him with repentant hearts.

My health has been an issue over the past couple of months...I have been nervous about my condition but things have gotten better. My Blood pressure is down and my cholesterol is also more where it should be. Pray that God would sustain me and give me the strength I need to do his work.

Thanks for your support,
